recurrent miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage case report

Message from an unknown patient. 

The low or no efficacy of the drugs commonly used in the therapy of poliabortivity, sadly known to patients suffering from this pathology, is ignored (if not entirely unknown) to specialists and to the drafters of the guidelines. For this reason I thought it useful, if only for the patients, to report the clinical case of a woman who, as you will learn, I have recently known only via SMS!

“Kind doctor,
I am only writing to thank you, even if we never met. I am 36 years old and
have a history of poliabortivity (5 abortions – the embryos we managed to analyze were healthy), and a sixth pregnancy happily ended with the birth of my wonderful baby girl 4 months ago. After shooting everywhere in Italy and abroad, I came across some of your online publications, and I decided to undergo your therapy… I admit that I did it myself and against the advice of the last doctor who followed me. I am writing only to tell you that, if any additional information could be useful for your studies, I am at your complete disposal. Saying thank you would be not enough: I owe my baby’s life to you!”

Not without emotion, I replied to this gentlewoman that the birth of her baby is a joy for me too, and I asked her for more information. It came promptly.
“Dear Professor:
Thank you! Here are the answers. I list them by points. I try to be schematic: After the second abortion, I did all the couple poliabortivity tests, including the less common ones, such as the HCL (?) typing and the fragile X exam. No relevant data, except my slight positivity to anti-phospholipids (defined at low risk by Prof. M …, one of the leading experts in Italy, who works at the M … Hospital, near where we live). Third and fourth pregnancy treated with progesterone-cardioaspirin-heparin-deltacortene: ended with abortion within the third month. Fifth pregnancy: I did an intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (which I managed to obtain through a family friend), plus all the therapies listed above, but always spontaneously aborted within the third month. At the sixth pregnancy I did your therapy for about a month before getting pregnant, and finally the baby was born! She and I both enjoy excellent health. She only had low birth weight due to placental fibrin deposits, but she has always been very well … “.

I wish to express my gratitude to this lady for her kind and unexpected testimony. The obstinate application of the suggestions of the guidelines is the consequence of the most common vices in Italian and foreign academies: ignorance, superficiality, lack of critical sense. The scientific explanation of the low or no efficacy of commonly used drugs can be inferred from the data of the most accredited literature, and little by little it will be the subject of my discussion.

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